PORi Certification Process
Our comprehensive curriculum in cancer rehabilitation forms the basis of becoming PORi-certified. We offer three levels of certification starting with therapists who complete one PORi core course, through therapists who meet the requirements to be PORi-Certified Oncology Rehabilitation Specialists and, finally, PORi Centers of Excellence in Oncology Rehabilitation at the facility and health system level.

Hours of CEU Courses to grow your oncology rehabilitation expertise.
— The Basics
Your journey to PORi Certification
Participants start their PORi training with a 2-day PORi Foundation Course. The PORi Foundation in Oncology Rehabilitation Course is a prerequisite for all the other PORi courses.
Once they have completed the PORi Foundation Course, they can advance their specialty skill set by building additional core specialty courses related to specific disease sites and/or body areas (e.g. Head & Neck Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pelvic Cancer & LE Rehabilitation) onto the PORi Foundation Course. The fourth PORi Core is the Chemotoxicity and Cancer Exercise Management course - this course predominantly deals with the effects of chemotherapy and spans all cancer diagnoses. This will enable participants to pursue one or more specialized fields of interest within oncology rehabilitation. Each core course will be an assessment-based certificate program.
As participants complete each course (module), they will progress through the phases of PORi-certification as outlined below:
Once they have completed the PORi Foundation Course, they can advance their specialty skill set by building additional core specialty courses related to specific disease sites and/or body areas (e.g. Head & Neck Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pelvic Cancer & LE Rehabilitation) onto the PORi Foundation Course. The fourth PORi Core is the Chemotoxicity and Cancer Exercise Management course - this course predominantly deals with the effects of chemotherapy and spans all cancer diagnoses. This will enable participants to pursue one or more specialized fields of interest within oncology rehabilitation. Each core course will be an assessment-based certificate program.
As participants complete each course (module), they will progress through the phases of PORi-certification as outlined below:
— Certification Levels
3 Phases of PORi Oncology Rehabilitation Certification

Phase 1 - PORi Oncology Rehabilitation Therapist
Once participants have completed the PORi Foundation Course and at least one PORi core course, they will be designated a PORi Oncology Rehabilitation Therapist in that core course. For example, a person who has completed the Foundation and the Breast Cancer Core Courses would be a “PORi-Certified Breast Cancer rehabilitation Therapist”
Phase 2 - PORi-Certified Oncology Rehabilitation Specialist
For participants who want to attain an additional level of PORi certification, we have the option to become a “PORi-certified Oncology Rehabilitation Specialist”. The pre-requisites for this designation are as follows:
The designation of “PORi-certified Comprehensive Oncology Rehabilitation Specialist” is reviewed every three years. To maintain this designation, a therapist will need to maintain an oncology caseload of at least 750 oncology patient visits in a 3-year period, complete an update online course and pass a multiple-choice exam
- PORi Foundation in Oncology Rehabilitation; plus
- PORi Core Chemotoxicity / Cancer Exercise Management Course; plus
- Two additional PORi Core Courses; plus
- An initial accumulation of at least 750 oncology patient visits
The designation of “PORi-certified Comprehensive Oncology Rehabilitation Specialist” is reviewed every three years. To maintain this designation, a therapist will need to maintain an oncology caseload of at least 750 oncology patient visits in a 3-year period, complete an update online course and pass a multiple-choice exam
Phase 3 - PORi Center of Excellence in Oncology Rehabilitation
Once a facility/location has at least two current PORi-certified Oncology Rehabilitation Specialists or at least one PORi Oncology Rehabilitation Therapist in each Core Course (a single therapist may qualify for more than 1 core course if they have completed more than 1 core course), they are eligible to be designated as a “Bronze PORi Center of Excellence in Oncology Rehabilitation”. A Bronze PORi Center of Excellence has the clinical skills to treat all patients with a cancer diagnosis in any phase of their cancer treatment from diagnosis, through treatment, and into post-treatment survivorship. A Bronze PORi Center of Excellence may seek Silver and Gold PORi Center of Excellence accreditation.
— Level up
Designed with practicing rehabilitation therapists in mind
Learn from anywhere. Our CORE PORi curriculum is centered around patient presentations. You will have the tools to treat your patients immediately after completing each PORi CORE course. The courses share a clinical management framework so you are always building on your knowledge as you move toward PORi Certification.
— LEARN FROM ANYWHERE WITH Accessible courses
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— Patient presentations & VIDEOS
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Our vision is that all patients with a cancer diagnosis will have prompt, easy access to quality cancer rehab.
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